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Pest Control Spray in Lahore, Punjab Pakistan

What are pests? A pest is any organism that spreads disease, causes destruction or is otherwise a nuisance. Some examples of pests are mosquitoes, rodents, and weeds. Not all insects are pests. Many different kinds of insects eat other insects and are beneficial species, Examples of
beneficial insects are dragonflies (which feed mainly on mosquitoes) and lady beetles (which eat aphids, scale insects, mites, and other insects).

Pest Control in Lahore, Islamabad, Sialkot, Sunder Industrial Raiwind, DHA Phase 6, 7, 9 & 10, Model Town, Wapda, Bahria, Punjab Society, PCSIR, Lahore, Punjab Pakistan:  house fly, wasp, yellow jackets, Khatmal, Bedbugs, lizards, rodents, ants, Beetles, Weevils, Centipedes, Cockroaches , House dust mite, Earwigs, House crickets, Moths, Silverfish, Spiders, Termites, flees, mites, lice, Blacklegged Tick or Deer Tick, Flour/Grain Mite (Acarus siro). Spray, fumigation in industrial commercial kitchens etc. Eliminating cockroaches from your home or business can become a real nightmare if you don’t have the right knowledge. So, must get our affordable pest control and removal services. Pest Control Chemicals for Residential Pest are available imported and local pesticides insecticides. If you own a business, the presence of different pests plague can damage and contaminate your products and stored goods, in addition to creating reputation problems and legal problems, managing to face major fines from food authorities, and even permanent closing the business. Is it worth risking the future of your business by trying to eliminate a plague of cockroaches on your own. Call Us at +923009401310 For Cockroach Control in Lahore, Residential Pest Control Killer Spray Fumigation Hattar, Islamabad, Gujranwala, Multan, Faisalabad, Sialkot, Sunder Industrial Estate Raiwind, Punjab, Pakistan.

Dengue Mosquito Pest Control in Lahore, Punjab Pakistan

Lal baig American Cockroach , German Cockroach in Lahore, Islamabad, Sialkot, Raiwind, DHA, Bahria Town, Punjab Pakistan: cockroaches lalbaig i.e. American Cockroach / German Cockroach spray fumigation in industrial commercial kitchens etc. Eliminating cockroaches from your home or business can become a real nightmare if you don’t have the right knowledge. So, must get our affordable cockroach pest control and removal services. Cockroach Control Chemicals for Residential Pest are available imported and local pesticides insecticides. Types of cockroaches normally found are Flying Cockroaches, White Cockroaches, American Cockroach, German Cockroach, Oriental Cockroach, Australian Cockroach, If you own a business, the presence of a cockroach plague can damage and contaminate your products and stored goods, in addition to creating reputation problems and legal problems, managing to face major fines from food authorities, and even permanent closing the business. Is it worth risking the future of your business by trying to eliminate a plague of cockroaches on your own. Call Us at +923009401310 For Cockroach Control in Lahore, Lalbaig. Cockroach Residential Pest Control Killer Spray Fumigation Hattar, Islamabad, Gujranwala, Multan, Faisalabad, Sialkot, Sunder Industrial Estate Raiwind, Punjab, Pakistan.

Termite Control (Demak Proofing, Pre / Post Construction) in Lahore Punjab, i.e. DHA, Bahria Town, Allama Iqbal Town, Model Town, Johar Town, PCSIR, Punjab Society, LDA City, Sui Gas, State Life, Bahria Orchards Raiwind, Pak Arab Schime, Central Park, Park Avenue, Eitihad Town, Sunder Industrial Estate, Quaid e Aam Industrial Estate Gulberg and Ferozpur Road Industrial Estates etc. We’ve been a family-owned business since 1995 as Master Deemak Control, and in that time, we’ve built a reputation for reliability and for the unwavering quality of our service. When you need to seek professional help for unwanted intruders, Master Pest Management is a company you can count on to get the job done in a safe, sustainable manner. we also servicing in Faisal Abad, Multan, Islamabad (ICT), Sailkot, Gujranwala and Entire Punjab.

Pest Control in Lahore, Punjab PakistanWe’re proud of the work we do to help keep the homes, landscape, businesses and other premises in our community free from harmful pest, insects, and animals, while also striving to maintain a balance with the ecosystem as a whole. we have delivered our pest control services thousands of customers against bedbugs khatmal, house ants, mosquitos like dengue and malaria, house fly, cockroaches lalbaig i.e. American Cockroach / German Cockroach, wasps etc.

Harmful Household Animals Control Management in Lahore Punjab: We offer you to control management system for harmful Rodents, Moles, Rats, Mice, household Lizards.

Fumigation/ Spray Fogging Services in Lahore, Punjab Pakistan: With ensure the safety and cleanliness of your space with our professional fumigation spray lawn spray and fogging services, ideal for both residential, commercial and industrial sites or properties.

Tank Cleaning Services: i.e. Water Tanks, Storage Tanks, Underground & Overhead Water Tanks (Plastic Water Tank or Concrete Water Tanks cleaning service in Lahore Punjab.

Termite control via anti termite reticulation system

deemak control in lahore urdu دیمک اور اس کا خاتمہ

Termite Control (Demak Proofing, Pre / Post Construction) in Lahore Punjab, i.e. DHA, Bahria Town, Allama Iqbal Town, Model Town, Johar Town, PCSIR, Punjab Society, LDA City, Sui Gas, State Life, Bahria Orchards Raiwind, Pak Arab Schime, Central Park, Park Avenue, Eitihad Town, Sunderindustrial Estate, Quaid e Aam Industrial Estate Gulberg and Ferozpur Road Industrial Estates etc. We’ve been a family-owned business since 1995 as Master Deemak Control, and in that time, we’ve built a reputation for reliability and for the unwavering quality of our service. When you need to seek professional help for unwanted intruders, Master Pest Management is a company you can count on to get the job done in a safe, sustainable manner. we also servicing in Faisal Abad, Multan, Islamabad (ICT), Sailkot, Gujranwala and Entire Punjab.

Pest Control

Lal baig American Cockroach , German Cockroach in Lahore, Islamabad, Sialkot, Raiwind, DHA, Bahria Town, Punjab Pakistan: cockroaches lalbaig i.e. American Cockroach / German Cockroach spray fumigation in industrial commercial kitchens etc. Eliminating cockroaches from your home or business can become a real nightmare if you don’t have the right knowledge. So, must get our affordable cockroach pest control and removal services. Cockroach Control Chemicals for Residential Pest are available imported and local pesticides insecticides. Types of cockroaches normally found are Flying Cockroaches, White Cockroaches, American Cockroach, German Cockroach, Oriental Cockroach, Australian Cockroach, If you own a business, the presence of a cockroach plague can damage and contaminate your products and stored goods, in addition to creating reputation problems and legal problems, managing to face major fines from food authorities, and even permanent closing the business. Is it worth risking the future of your business by trying to eliminate a plague of cockroaches on your own. Call Us at +923009401310 For Cockroach Control in Lahore, Lalbaig. Cockroach Residential Pest Control Killer Spray Fumigation Hattar, Islamabad, Gujranwala, Multan, Faisalabad, Sialkot, Sunder Industrial Estate Raiwind, Punjab, Pakistan.

Termite Control (Demak Proofing, Pre / Post Construction) in Lahore Punjab, i.e. DHA, Bahria Town, Allama Iqbal Town, Model Town, Johar Town, PCSIR, Punjab Society, LDA City, Sui Gas, State Life, Bahria Orchards Raiwind, Pak Arab Schime, Central Park, Park Avenue, Eitihad Town, Sunder Industrial Estate, Quaid e Aam Industrial Estate Gulberg and Ferozpur Road Industrial Estates etc. We’ve been a family-owned business since 1995 as Master Deemak Control, and in that time, we’ve built a reputation for reliability and for the unwavering quality of our service. When you need to seek professional help for unwanted intruders, Master Pest Management is a company you can count on to get the job done in a safe, sustainable manner. we also servicing in Faisal Abad, Multan, Islamabad (ICT), Sailkot, Gujranwala and Entire Punjab.

Pest Control in Lahore, Punjab PakistanWe’re proud of the work we do to help keep the homes, landscape, businesses and other premises in our community free from harmful pest, insects, and animals, while also striving to maintain a balance with the ecosystem as a whole. we have delivered our pest control services thousands of customers against bedbugs khatmal, house ants, mosquitos like dengue and malaria, house fly, cockroaches lalbaig i.e. American Cockroach / German Cockroach, wasps etc.

Harmful Household Animals Control Management in Lahore Punjab: We offer you to control management system for harmful Rodents, Moles, Rats, Mice, household Lizards.

Fumigation/ Spray Fogging Services in Lahore, Punjab Pakistan: With ensure the safety and cleanliness of your space with our professional fumigation spray lawn spray and fogging services, ideal for both residential, commercial and industrial sites or properties.

Tank Cleaning Services: i.e. Water Tanks, Storage Tanks, Underground & Overhead Water Tanks (Plastic Water Tank or Concrete Water Tanks cleaning service in Lahore Punjab.

Termite Control in Lahore

Termites are small insects that live in colonies and have distinct castes (eusocial) and feed on wood or other dead plant matter, occurring on every continent except Antarctica. Termites comprise the infraorderIsoptera, or alternatively the epifamily Termitoidae, within the order Blattodea (along with cockroaches). Termites were once classified in a separate order from cockroaches, but recent phylogenetic studies indicate that they evolved from cockroaches, as they are deeply nested within the group, and the sister group to wood eating cockroaches of the genus Cryptocercus.

Previous estimates suggested the divergence took place during the Jurassic or Triassic. More recent estimates suggest that they have an origin during the Late Jurassic, with the first fossil records in the Early Cretaceous. About 3,106 species are currently described, with a few hundred more left to be described. Although these insects are often called “white ants”, they are not ants, and are not closely related to ants.

Gary W. Bennett, Extension Entomologist

Termites are social insects with several types of individuals in a colony, each type serving the colony in a different way. Winged reproductive forms swarm from mature colonies to disperse and establish new colonies. Worker termites, the ones that damage wood by eating the springwood layers, are white and soft-bodied; they feed the other forms in the colony and expand the nest size. Soldier termites with enlarged mandibles (teeth) are responsible for protecting the colony from intruders.

Termites need wood for food and soil for moisture. Wood in contact with soil, then, is ideal for termite development. But if this does not occur, the insects may build “shelter tubes” from mud to bridge or span foundation walls and other masonry that separate wood from soil. They construct these tubes on the walls or inside them in voids and cracks. Occasionally, when a leaky roof or pipe provides moisture, termite infestations are established without soil contact.

Infestations generally develop from colonies in soil, and the termites enter the building through structural wood or foundation walls adjacent to the soil. In cases of houses built partly or completely on slabs, infestation is through expansion joints, cracks, and utility and sewer pipe openings.

Whether pretreating at the time of construction or treating an existing structure, the basic principle of termite control is to break the connection between wood and soil. This is done by laying down a chemical barrier to eliminate all possible points of entry. In view of the rather elaborate equipment required and the complicated nature of the process, it is strongly suggested that the homeowner consult a professional pest control service. provides guidelines on selecting a termite control service.

Property owners need to be aware of termites and the destruction they can cause. Consumers also need to be generally knowledgeable of when and where termite control or prevention is needed, and how prevention or control may be accomplished. When buying property, building a home or adding on to an existing structure, or making a decision on treating an existing infestation in a building, the information that follows should be useful.


Homes and other buildings can be pretreated at the time of construction to protect them against termite attack. Very few people would consider building a new house and then not insure it against damage caused by fire or other calamities. But many more houses are damaged each year by termites than by fire.

For effective pretreatment termite proofing, much of the chemical barrier may need to be under concrete slabs. Obviously, it is much easier to put down a chemical barrier before the concrete is poured than it is afterwards

Areas Needing Pretreatment

For effective termite prevention, pretreatment is needed in four areas during construction:

  • Treatment of the entire soil surface to be covered with concrete, including garage floors, entrance platforms, and filled porches.
  • Additional chemical to the soil beneath those areas which lie adjacent to foundation walls, beneath interior walls, around sewer and utility openings, and at other possible points of entry.
  • Treatment of footings and backfill outside foundation walls and inside walled areas where there is a crawl space. Accessible areas like these could be treated later, but it is easier to do so at construction time.
  • Treatment of hollow areas or voids inside foundation walls

Pretreatment Chemicals

Chemical pretreatment is accepted by the FHA as a method of termite proofing. Most pest control professionals are equipped to pretreat according to specifications, and they can guarantee effectiveness. Contractors and others do not provide this guarantee.

Pretreatment Chemicals

Table 1 lists some insecticides that can be used in pretreating. These are all restricted to use by professional applicators only. They should be used according to label directions. These insecticides should provide at least 5 years of protection in all but the harshest environments, and some will last considerably longer in protected environments such as beneath slabs.


It is not difficult to identify termites and termite damage in existing facilities. The only real problem is distinguishing swarmer termites, which are the first sign that a termite infestation exists, from winged ants, which are relatively harmless. A swarmer termite is generally black, and its four equally-sized cloudy white wings are twice as long as its rather straight body. The winged ant, although similar in color, has a wasp-like waist and four clear wings unequal in length and all much shorter than its body (see drawing on next page).

Although they are seldom seen, the white, soft-bodied worker termites are the ones that can seriously damage a structure. They eat the soft grain of wood, leaving a thin shell outside and only splinters inside.

When and How to Check for Damage

A termite’s natural habitat includes stumps, posts, and other wood that comes in contact with the ground. However, that termites may be found in these materials near the home does not necessarily mean the home is or will be infested.

To check for termites, any wood near the foundation or soil should be probed with an ice pick or screw driver, especially the plates, header joists, ends of floor joists, and any hardwood flooring. Presence of earthen “shelter tubes” on foundation walls and wood is also evidence of infestation.

Termites build these tubes from bits of soil to close up breaks in infested wood. The tubes resemble long streams of mud running up basement walls or along foundations. The tubes are generally less than 1/4 inch in diameter. Wider tubes indicate an even more serious infestation problem.

Termites build these tubes from bits of soil to close up breaks in infested wood. The tubes resemble long streams of mud running up basement walls or along foundations. The tubes are generally less than 1/4 inch in diameter. Wider tubes indicate an even more serious infestation problem.

If damage is found, there is no great hurry to apply control measures. Termites work slowly, and a few weeks or even months delay is of little consequence. Thus, there is plenty of time to select the pest control company and the termite control program with which you feel most comfortable. Cost estimates for the work may vary, so obtain and evaluate the bids, descriptions of work to be done, and details of any guarantees from at least two companies. Study this information and then make your decision.

Termite Control (Demak Proofing, Pre / Post Construction) in Lahore Punjab, i.e. DHA, Bahria Town, Allama Iqbal Town, Model Town, Johar Town, PCSIR, Punjab Society, LDA City, Sui Gas, State Life, Bahria Orchards Raiwind, Pak Arab Schime, Central Park, Park Avenue, Eitihad Town, Sunderindustrial Estate, Quaid e Aam Industrial Estate Gulberg and Ferozpur Road Industrial Estates etc. We’ve been a family-owned business since 1995 as Master Deemak Control, and in that time, we’ve built a reputation for reliability and for the unwavering quality of our service. When you need to seek professional help for unwanted intruders, Master Pest Management is a company you can count on to get the job done in a safe, sustainable manner. we also servicing in Faisal Abad, Multan, Islamabad (ICT), Sailkot, Gujranwala and Entire Punjab.

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